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How to Survive an Avalanche

Kimberly Williamson

Statistics show that 93 percent of avalanche victims can be recovered alive if they are dug out within the first 15 minutes, but then the numbers drop catastrophically. After 45 minutes, only 20-30 percent are still alive and after two hours almost no one is alive. In other words, you don’t have much time.

In 2022, 17 people died as a result of an avalanche in the United States.Moreover, in the last 10 winters, an average of 24 people died in avalanches each year.In 2022, 17 people died as a result of an avalanche in the United States.Moreover, in the last 10 winters, an average of 24 people died in avalanches each year.

The victims are typically backcountry recreationalists—skiers, snowboarders, climbers, and snowmobilers. Snowmobilers account for twice as many avalanche fatalities as the other groups, mostly because of their surging numbers, and also because the weight of the snowmobile and rider is greater than that of a person on skis, making them more likely to stress the weak layer in a snowpack and set off an avalanche (the noise isn’t the reason, by the way. The idea that noise can cause an avalanche is a myth). Avalanche victims are often risk takers that set aside safety concerns in the pursuit of their goals, and 89% of them are men.

While the majority of avalanches happen naturally, 90% of avalanche fatalities occur in avalanches triggered by the victim himself, or by someone in the victim’s party. So avalanches aren’t exactly freak accidents, and there is a lot you can do to avoid getting swept up in one and to increase your chances of survival if you do.

“Being in an avalanche is like being caught in a fast-flowing river. The most common advice is to move diagonal to the avalanche or try to make your way to the edge, where the slide is not moving as fast and where you’re not likely to be buried as deep.

Different Types of Avalanche

Science differentiates between avalanches and defines them primarily according to their mechanics and their triggering mechanisms. The following three types of avalanches are significant for us winter athletes: gliding avalanches, loose snow avalanches and slab avalanches.


Dry Loose Snow Avalanche

Loose snow avalanches, also known as point release avalanches, can be either dry or wet. They characteristically start from a single point and have a pear-shaped fall path. These avalanches are most often relatively small and hardly have the potential to bury someone. Dry loose snow avalanches can frequently be observed after new snowfall and in extremely steep terrain (over 40°).


Gliding Snow Avalanche

Although gliding avalanches often look like snow slabs, they very rarely claim any victims. This is because they cannot be triggered by winter athletes. A good rule of thumb is: don’t stay any longer than absolutely necessary under cracks in the snowpack or gliding avalanches that have already triggered. The risk of a gliding avalanches can easily be identified by the typical “fish mouth” cracks.

  1. Typical cracks above (fish mouths)

  2. Cannot be artificially triggered Steepness: >27°, often at low and mid elevations

  3. Glides on a film of water – most often on steep meadow slopes

  4. Very rarely causes fatalities


Slab Avalanche

Slab avalanche are most commonly triggered by winter athletes. 98% of avalanche victims die in slab avalanches; 95% of those trigger the avalanche themselves. The fracture in the snowpack propagates rapidly with speeds between 80 and 200 km/h. This causes the weak layer to collapse and the snow slab to slide.

  1. Typical linear fracture edge Separate “slab” suddenly triggers

  2. Masses of snow slide as a cohesive plate (within seconds)

  3. Steepness: >30°

  4. Accounts for 98% of all winter athletes falling victim to an avalanche

How to Survive an Avalanche

Being armed with the right knowledge, gear, and weather forecast familiarity can save your life in an avalanche, and ideally, help you avoid them altogether.

  1. Get Professional Training – Training classes are recommended for anyone planning to explore the backcountry during winter. Courses cover topics like how avalanches are formed, how to identify avalanche terrain and companion rescue skills.Proper training can help you understand weather forecasts, predict dangerous conditions that are favorable for avalanches, and search for warning signs on the ground. First aid is also recommended.

  2. Check the Local Forecast – Backcountry avalanche centers provide daily forecasts. Don’t head up to the mountains unless you’re 100% confident that the weather conditions that day are favorable for your trip.

  3. Bring the Proper Equipment & Learn How to Use It – Experts agree that the three essential pieces of gear for avalanche preparedness are an avalanche probe that can locate companions trapped in the snow, a shovel for digging out of the snow, and an avalanche transceiver that can send and receive signals while buried.Helmets, first aid kits, and devices such as avalanche airbags that can create air pockets beneath the snow are also recommended. Don’t head out until you know how to use the equipment you’re planning to bring first.

  4. Make a Plan – Tell others you’re not traveling with where you’ll be and for how long. Create an emergency plan with everyone in your group.

  5. Recognize the Risks on the Ground – Avalanche “red flags” to look out for in the backcountry include whether there have been avalanches in the area recently, loud and bizarre noises coming from the snow, “cracks” that form in the snow, fresh snowfall, wind-blown snow, and warming temperatures.Your previous knowledge and preparation won’t help you unless you’re vigilant when you tread through the backcountry, so stay focused. It should be noted that the majority of avalanche fatalities occur when risks appear to be moderate, so it’s never safe to get comfortable and lose focus.

  6. Always Travel in Pairs and with a Knowledgeable Guide When Possible – If you can, head up with an experienced guide who knows the landscape and is familiar with avalanche dangers. Traveling in pairs is the best way to guarantee that no one in your party will be forgotten about in the event of a crisis. Don’t walk directly above your partner because doing so puts them at a higher risk.

What to do During an Avalanche

Mother nature is a force best not reckoned with. However, sometimes bad things happen and you need to act quickly to survive. These are among the best tips and practices for dealing with an avalanche in order to get out alive.

  1. Stay Calm – This isn’t easy to do, but the conscious decision to refrain from panicking will give you the best chance at staying alive during an avalanche.

  2. Activate your Airbag and Try to Keep Your Head Above the Snow – Deploying your airbag during an avalanche can keep you on top of the snow instead of buried beneath it. Keeping your head above the snow is critical because you’re most likely to die from suffocation.

  3. Get Out of the Snow Slide and Create an Air Pocket – If that’s not possible, remove yourself from the area of the snow slide as quickly and safely as possible. If available, use tree branches for leverage. If you can’t keep from getting buried beneath the snow, push your arm up as the slide slows to create an air pocket.

What to do After an Avalanche

If you find yourself free of an avalanche and you’re still missing a buddy, time is absolutely critical. Hopefully, the in-trouble party has managed to create some air space and stay calm.

  1. Call 911 and Track Your Partner – Once you’re out of immediate danger, call 911 and track your partner. Do not attempt a rescue if doing so will cause another avalanche. Activate your avalanche receiver and use your probe to help you search.

  2. Seek Medical Attention – Sometimes injuries aren’t super well known due to adrenaline rushing through your body. It’s always best to seek first aid right away if you’ve been in a major avalanche. Find a ski patroller or head to your nearest clinic or hospital. Always better to be safe than sorry.

  3. Survival Tips

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